Joe Roberts
Joe Roberts aka The Skidrow CEO is an expert on resilience and change. Having experienced both catastrophic failure and extraordinary success Joe teaches how to overcome the roadblocks that get in the way of high performance. He helps companies and individuals redefine what’s truly possible by confronting limiting mindsets. Participants at Joes’ events leave inspired and moved to action.
What is most amazing about Joe is that in 1989 he was living on the streets of Vancouver as a homeless skid row addict. Through perseverance, determination and his resilient human spirit, Joe pulled himself out of darkness and despair, to become a highly respected business and community leader.
Joe Roberts
Joe helps companies and individuals redefine what’s truly possible by confronting limiting mindsets leaving them inspired and moved to action
Big Daddy Tazz
Often described as one of the most talented comics in the business, Big Daddy Tazz has been delighting crowds for more than 30 years.